BioSqueeze® Eliminates Casing Pressure in a Well Slated for Abandonment

Tags: P&A

Jul 07, 2022


Well Leaking Gas Through Cemented Annuli

BioSqueeze Inc. was contracted by an operator to mitigate annular pressure in a well slated for abandonment. Prior to our arrival, the well was prepared by cutting three sand notches around 600 ft through the 4-1/2 in casing string. A removable bridge plug was set just below the notches, 2-3/8 in tubing was installed, and a packer was set just above the notches.


Our team arrived on site and began pumping our biomineralizing solution down the well and into the leakage pathways in the cement. Four injection sequences were then run over a 24-hour period.

Injection pressure was stepped up gradually in each sequence until the maximum pressure specified by the operator (950 psi) was reached. At the conclusion of each sequence pressure falloff was measured to evaluate progress.

As shown in the table below, the pressure drop for each falloff was reduced from the previous sequence, demonstrating that the pumped fluids were crystalizing to seal the leaks.

Flow rate began at 0.59 gpm at the start of the first sequence and ended at 0.007 gpm at the conclusion of the final sequence, another good indication of successful sealing.



BioSqueeze® Healed the Cement Plug - No Pressure, No Flow, No LEL - Allowing the Well to be Permanently Abandoned

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